
Intuitive Powers

Practice listening to your intuition,your inner voice; ask questions; be curious; see what you see; hear what you hear; and then act upon what you know to be true. These intuitive powers were given to your soul at birth. - Clarissa Pinkola Estés Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths andStories of the Wild Woman Archetype Tags:curiosity,inner-voice,intuition,wild-women,women-who-run-with-wolves

Here and Now

To live on a day-to-day basis is insufficient for human beings; we need to transcend, transport, escape; we need meaning, understanding, and explanation; we need to see over-all patterns in our lives. We need hope, the sense of a future. And we need freedom (or, at least, the illusion of freedom) to get beyond ourselves, whether with telescopes and microscopes and our ever-burgeoning technology, or in states of mind that allow us to travel to other worlds, to rise above our immediate surroundings. We may seek, too, a relaxing of inhibitions that makes it easier to bond with each other, or transports that make our consciousness of time and mortality easier to bear. We seek a holiday from our inner and outer restrictions, a more intense sense of the here and now, the beauty and value of the world we live in. Oliver Sacks

What Are You Thankful For?

Are there things that you desire to have in our life that you feel could make you happier ?

Chakra Meditation: A Guaranteed Path to Inner Peace ~ Part 4

The next three chakras: anahata, visuddha and ajna are sky-bound. gravitation does not affect them. They are under another law called levitation; they are pulled upwards. These three consist of the mind. The body is pulled downwards, mind is pulled upwards. But you are neither. You are the seventh, which is neither body nor mind. ~ Osho

Chakra Meditation: A Guaranteed Path to Inner Peace ~ Part 3

The first three chakras belong to the body. The next three chakras belong to the mind. And the seventh chakra is beyond both. Ordinarily, the people who indulge remain in the first three lower chakras — they hang there. Those first three chakras: muladhar, swadhistan and manipura are earth-bound. They are earthly chakras, they are attracted by gravitation, they are pulled downwards. ~ Osho 

Chakra Meditation: A Guaranteed Path to Inner Peace ~ Part 2

Start meditating with your eyes open, focusing as a warm-up, then focus on a chakra, then just let go and merge. Don't sit there and think or move into sleepy states of awareness, but move into high-powered states of attention. ~ Zen Master Rama