Seek God First

WP Religion
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Although my family was Sikh, we had great reverence for the Hindu scriptures. My mother was a living ex­ample of the love of God and  a  devoted  follower  of Hindu  teachings. 
Every  day  she  awoke  before  dawn, prepared herself  with the cold water of  the ritual bath, and read either from the Bhagavad Gita or from one of the other sacred writings.

Her pure life and her com­plete devotion influenced me more strongly than it did the other family members. From the time of  my earliest memories, she  impressed  upon  me  one  rule  above  all others: when I woke from sleep, my first duty was to pray  to  God  for  spiritual  nourishment  and  blessings.  Only then could I break the night’s fast.

Sometimes I objected  to  this  rule  and  insisted  on  having  breakfast first, but my mother would never relent. Usually with coaxing, but when necessary with force, she impressed this rule deep onto my soul: Seek God first and only then turn to other things.

Extract From Book - Wisdom  of  the  Sadhu (Teachings of Sundar Singh)

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